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How to
Hard-refresh your web browser

If you’ve made changes to a page on your website but you can’t see the updates, it’s possible that your web browser is showing you an old version of the page from its cache. Clicking the refresh button doesn’t always do the trick, so a hard-refresh is in order!

How to perform a hard-refresh

Astronaut on rocket

Performing a “hard refresh” is a straightforward method to clear your browser cache for the current page. It will force it to load the most recent version of the page as well as any fonts, images, styles and scripts it contains. Here’s how to perform a hard refresh on some popular web browsers:

Microsoft Edge (Windows)

Press Ctrl and F5 at the same time

Google Chrome

Windows users: Press Ctrl and F5
Mac users: Press Command, Shift and R


Windows users: Press Ctrl and F5
Mac users: Press Command, Shift and R

Safari (Apple Mac)

Press Option, Command and E to delete the cache, then press Command and R to refresh

Still not working?

There are lots of other reasons that may cause your website to show out-of-date content, such as server-side caching, content delivery network issues, or problems with your site.

If you need further help with diagnosing problems with your WordPress site, why not get in touch?

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